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In the first session we will discuss your history, goals and my intake procedures. Please arrive on time, if you are late we will still end on time. I will use energy testing (based on Kinesiology or muscle testing) to assess the energetic imbalances in the 9 subtle energy systems of your body. I will also introduce you to Donna Eden’s Daily Energy Routine, which is expected to become a staple in your self care.


Then I will do a gentle Eden Energy Medicine balancing session based on your goals. Sessions are administered on a massage table while you are fully clothed. It is best to wear loose comfortable clothing, minimal jewelry and no perfumes. I will ask you to remove your shoes in my office for the purpose of working with energy acupoints on your feet. The first sessions is 1.75 - 2 hours long. 


Eden Energy Medicine uses techniques from time-honored traditions such as Acupuncture, Yoga, and Qi Gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by:


• Tapping, rubbing, pinching, holding or connecting specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin.

• Tracing or swirling the hand over the skin along specific energy pathways.

• Doing exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects.

• Focused use of the mind to move specific energies.

Subsequent sessions will be 90 minutes in length and will build on the initial goals. There may be sessions that require extra time, but that will be prearranged. The amount of sessions recommended is unique to each individual, and is dependent on the length of time the imbalances have existed, as was well as the amount of self care the client is willing to do. Weekly sessions are often recommended when shifting chronic imbalances. 

Simple energy self care will be assigned to the client as well as the Daily Energy Routine to help strengthen the new energetic patterns. The session is a collaboration between the client and practitioner and a commitment to self care is essential for efficient healing. 

Out of respect for others that may be waiting for an appointment, please cancel at least 24 hours 
in advance of your scheduled appointment. 

• Remote sessions are now available as well, over the confidential video conferencing website Energy follows intention and my clients have been very pleased with the results of working with me online.


Eden Energy Medicine recognizes energy as a vital, living, moving force that determines much of our health and happiness. To maintain vibrant health, the body needs its energies to:

  • Move and have space to move - energies may become blocked due to toxins, muscular or other constriction, prolonged stress or interference from other energies.

  • Move in specific patterns - generally in harmony with the physical structures and functions that the energies animate and support. "Flow follows function."

  • Cross over - at all levels, from the microlevel of the double helix of DNA, extending to the macrolevel where the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side controls the left.

  • Maintain a balance with other energies - the energies may lose their natural balance due to prolonged stress or other conditions that keep specific energy systems in survival mode.

Note: Energy Medicine stimulates innate health-promoting mechanism that restore the body’s natural state of well-being. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness.


Entering the world of your body's subtle energies is a bridge into the domain of your deepest spiritual callings and your eternal essence. While no particular belief system, allegiance, or religious affiliation is associated with Eden Energy Medicine, many people find that energy work touches into the realms of soul and spirit.


​If at any time you are unhappy with my services or the way our work together is proceeding, I hope you will talk about it with me, so that I can respond to your concerns directly. I will take such concerns seriously and meet them with care and respect. You are free to discuss any complaints about me with others since you do not have to maintain confidentiality about anything I say or do. If you believe that I have been unwilling to listen and respond, or that I have behaved unethically, feel free to register a complaint with the organization that certifies me as an Eden Energy Medicine Clinical Practitioner:



777 East Main Street • Ashland, OR  97520

541- 482-1800

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